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Gold artifacts and Late Bell Beaker from Cova del Gegant: Interaction along the Mediterranean coastline of the Iberian Peninsula during Bronze Age

机译:Cova del Gegant的金器物和晚期贝尔烧杯:青铜时代伊比利亚半岛地中海海岸线上的相互作用



[EN] This paper presents archaeological layer XXV from Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona), ascribed to Bronze Age, and focuses on this period’s chronological issues. Cova del Gegant yielded Late Bell Beaker pottery featuring a decorative style akin to the “Northeastern Group” (generally ascribed to Early Bronze Age), human remains associated with a collective burial (radiocarbon dated to Middle Bronze Age), amber and/or resin ornaments, and two gold artifacts (very scarce in the NE of Iberian Peninsula). The archaeological artifacts and radiocarbon dating range provide important data concerning the exchange networks and movements along the Mediterranean coastline during Bronze Age.
机译:[ZH]本文介绍了归因于青铜时代的Cova del Gegant(巴塞罗那锡切斯)的XXV考古层,重点研究了该时期的年代问题。 Cova del Gegant出品了晚期贝尔贝克烧杯陶器,其装饰风格类似于“东北族”(通常归因于青铜时代),人类遗体与集体葬礼(青铜时代中期的放射性碳),琥珀和/或树脂装饰品有关,以及两个金器物(伊比利亚半岛东北部非常稀缺)。考古文物和放射性碳年代测定范围提供了有关青铜时代地中海沿岸交换网络和运动的重要数据。



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